Jennifer Lang (Page 37)

Today is International Women’s Day, and as Tigtog has reminded me, it’s Blog against sexism day. Why aren’t there more women in senior management? In Australia, according to the EOWA (pdf), of Australia’s top 200 listed companies, 8.7% of directors are female, and 12% of senior exectuives (CEOs plus direct reports) areContinue Reading

To become an actuary, at a minimum you need to spend two years post degree working full time and studying. Very occasionally, people do it in less, but it’s a very vocational piece of study, so you are much better off working at the same time. Most exams have passContinue Reading

A few years ago, I used to have a colleague who travelled a lot. He was notorious for emails written at 3 am from some airport lounge ripping into someone who had made a mistake (even if only in his eyes when considered at 3 am). He copied people in,Continue Reading

We’ve just registered Chatterboy for his first soccer season – he’ll be in the Under 6s. We thought long and hard about it, as we’re not sure he’s going to enjoy it at the beginning, but think it’s really important to learn a social sport that you can continue throughoutContinue Reading

We’ve been watching a depressing British TV show called Bodies – set in a hospital with an incompetent senior obstetrician. The storyline of the first series follows the various ways different doctors deal with the incompetence – from ignoring it, to trying to stop it happening subtly, to reporting itContinue Reading