You are welcome to comment.

That said, you have no right to free speech on this site. This is my personal site. I reserve the right to edit or delete all comments, and to moderate all comment threads, as I see fit. Your comment is more likely to be edited, moderated or deleted if it contains phobic content (based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender, culture, nationality, religion, etc), is a personal attack or threat toward an author or another commenter, is entirely unrelated to the entry topic, features more than a “fair use” amount of someone else’s copyrighted work, has such poor grammar and spelling that it annoys me, is an obvious piece of trollage, or if I find it obnoxious and decide I’ve had enough. Don’t like it? Don’t comment. Simple.

A good rule of thumb is to comment as if you are having a conversation in the same room. If you wouldn’t say it directly, don’t say it here.

Your comment will be moderated before it is published if you have never commented here before, or if I have put you into the moderation list because of previous poor commenting, or if you have included more than two links to other sites.

I have adapted this policy from the much more extensive excellent policy over at John Scalzi’s site, Whatever.