Jennifer Lang (Page 52)

The SMH a couple of days ago had a story about Australian Business Limited‘s suggestion of how the NSW state government should cut spending, improve efficiency and cut business taxes. OK so far, so good. I tend to agree that the NSW state government hasn’t exactly spent its money wiselyContinue Reading

Our local issue is Graythwaite – a six acre estate in the middle of North Sydney currently used as a nursing home. There is a local campaign going on – posters everywhere, and stalls at all of the local markets. My four year old has been asking what it’s allContinue Reading

There has been a huge amount of publicity of increasing proportions of children being overweight and obese. The studies often add that obesity is much more common in poorer children, for a variety of reasons (including access to exercise as well as healthy food). So I’ve been assuming that whereContinue Reading

I had a farewell discussion with someone at work today. He’s fifteen years older than me, a really nice guy, and I’ve worked hard to get him to take me seriously as a fellow professional, not a nice little girlie who is doing pretty well given her age and sex.Continue Reading

I am incapable of remembering mobile phone numbers the way everyone else does. I think I’m too governed by the way Sydney phone numbers used to be. In Sydney phone numbers used to be seven digits, by universal agreement expressed as xxx xxxx. So when mobile phone numbers came along,Continue Reading