Economics (Page 2)

At the Actuaries Institute Financial Services Forum, in May, I’m running a Panel discussion entitled Is MOS Accounting Responsible for the Woes of the Retail Life Industry? This post gives some background to the question and why it seemed a good topic for a panel discussion. What are the woes of theContinue Reading

The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life, by Uri Gneezy and John List When I discovered this book, I realised it was the perfect book for this blog. A book about behavioural economics, which also examines gender and other discrimination through an economic lens. WhatContinue Reading

This week I was lucky enough to attend the launch of UN Women’s Spring Campaign: Don’t be a Bystander: Say No to Violence against Women. As befits an actuarial blog, here are some statistics from the 2005 Australian Physical Safety Survey: since the age of 15, two percent of women andContinue Reading