Jody over at Raising WEG has a new post about surnames, and why she changed her surname when she got married. I didn’t change mine, which seemed a very simple decision at the time. It’s only later it seems more complex. It meant though, that we had long long discussionsContinue Reading

I love The Economist magazine. Perhaps its my politics, (left of centre on social issues, in favour of market solutions on economic issues), or perhaps its the good writing. Or maybe its just the only adult magazine that generally covers the world. One thing that has been bugging me latelyContinue Reading

Laura at 11d has a post asking whether feminism has been a success. A big question, but an interesting one. In my personal experience, my life has been much less predicated on my gender than my mother’s was. She gave up her PhD at age 26 to marry my father,Continue Reading

Before I had kids, I would have thought of lactation rooms as one of those luxury things that employers do to prove that they are really female friendly (rather than something that is actually important, like maternity leave, or childcare, or being non discriminatory in choosing who to promote). WhenContinue Reading

I’ve been reading a few posts (mostly at Half changed world) about the gender issues in employment, and how people decide whether to have one parent or both at home. The surprise to me is how much health care comes into it. The issue of whether a job has healthContinue Reading

I did the city to surf today. I just managed to avoid doing a new personal worst time (although it was pretty close). I was reminded again what a great event it is. From the very beginning – getting on the train to town filled with people in their daggiestContinue Reading