Health care (Page 2)

We’ve been watching a depressing British TV show called Bodies – set in a hospital with an incompetent senior obstetrician. The storyline of the first series follows the various ways different doctors deal with the incompetence – from ignoring it, to trying to stop it happening subtly, to reporting itContinue Reading

I walked past an ad trying to find blood donors today. As a frustrated blood donor, it annoyed me. I used to be a vaguely regular blood donor. From the time that I turned 18 (and became eligible) to around 28, I would have given blood maybe once or twiceContinue Reading

After my previous post, and a few comments there, here’s some more detail on why I don’t think proper risk rated health insurance works particularly effectively for most people. (by the way, the US market, from what I understand, doesn’t have individual health insurance rating to any large extent; youContinue Reading

I’ve been pondering a mammoth post on health care for a while. I’m not sure if I’ve got it in me tonight. Or ever. So here’s a few thoughts. Mainly from my angle as an actuary who manages insurance companies for a living. Most places that try to privatize healthContinue Reading

I’d really like to write a thoughtful post about healthcare. I’m too tired, tonight, though. So I’ll just point you to a few US links. Stayin’ Alive has an excellent series on what health insurance is, and why it’s a misnomer to call it insurance. Half Changed World has aContinue Reading