Health care (Page 3)

The ABS has released their regular survey of Australians and their health. There is a wealth of detail in there, but 62% of men, and 45% of women (up 4% each from 5 years ago) were overweight or obese. Mostly, the increase is in the obese proportion, as people moveContinue Reading

After a recent bout of illness I realised a bit more why some chronically ill people don’t get medical care for cost reasons. In two days I’ve been to the doctor twice, had an X-ray, and got 2 prescriptions – $230 in round numbers. I’ll get about $120 back, butContinue Reading

There has been a huge amount of publicity of increasing proportions of children being overweight and obese. The studies often add that obesity is much more common in poorer children, for a variety of reasons (including access to exercise as well as healthy food). So I’ve been assuming that whereContinue Reading

A recent article in the SMH about health care in Australia surprised me. It was a review of reasonably sick people, and how likely they were to skip treatment because of the cost in different countries. The study was based on interviews with 7000 adults, from six industrialised countries, whoContinue Reading

Last week’s New Yorker has another great article from Atul Gawande, this time about Medical Malpractice (print only, Q&A with author here). It’s a musing on what the right remedy for medical malpractice is. The example that encapsulated the article best for me was towards the end of the article,Continue Reading

Atul Gawande recently wrote in the New Yorker about standards of medical care, in an article entitled the Bell Curve. I couldn’t find the article on line, but here is some Q&A about it. The thrust of the article is grappling with the issue that some doctors and care centresContinue Reading

I’ve been reading a few posts (mostly at Half changed world) about the gender issues in employment, and how people decide whether to have one parent or both at home. The surprise to me is how much health care comes into it. The issue of whether a job has healthContinue Reading