Life (Page 2)

One of my earliest posts on this blog was about the business kiss. When is the right time to kiss in business? We had a long discussion about this at work the other day; probably because we were at a combination farewell and Christmas dinner – both events guaranteed toContinue Reading

Last week was a very cultured week for me. I hardly ever go out to live events these days, but accidentally, I found myself at two in a week. It started on Monday evening, with a Musica Viva Chamber music concert in the Angel Place Recital Hall for 1,200 people fromContinue Reading

Randy Pausch, whose Last Lecture was an enormous hit on Youtube, died yesterday. He was a computer science professor, who after being told at the age of 48 that his pancreatic cancer was terminal, gave a lecture entitled “Really Achieving your childhood dreams”. His university (Carnegie Mellon) had a seriesContinue Reading