Life (Page 9)

I’ve been watching the 7-up series. I’m up to 28-up so far. The premise of the original, supposed to be one-off 7-up was comparing 14 7 year olds, mostly from the extremes (exclusive private school, working class east end school) of British society, and interviewing them to show how stratifiedContinue Reading

When I moved to this area (an innercity area in Sydney), as one half of a DINK couple, I shuddered at anything that approached community. When the annual street party happened, we used to go out for the day and hope that it was finished by the time we cameContinue Reading

I learned the piano all the way through school. I wasn’t bad, and I enjoyed it, but the one thing I always regretted about it being the piano was that it wasn’t an ensemble instrument. So ever since I was in my teens I’ve had this 19th century fantasy aboutContinue Reading

When we were in Spain a few years ago, we started to realise what a risk-averse society Australia had become. It became a bit of a standing joke on the trip – “that would never be allowed in the Switzerland of the South”. I forget, not having been overseas forContinue Reading

Jody over at Raising WEG has a new post about surnames, and why she changed her surname when she got married. I didn’t change mine, which seemed a very simple decision at the time. It’s only later it seems more complex. It meant though, that we had long long discussionsContinue Reading