Life (Page 8)

At cake this afternoon a colleague was telling me this long involved story about his family, which ended with his six year old son telling his mother she was a hero and giving her three cheers for cooking tacos. So my colleague ended by telling me that all I hadContinue Reading

C has come home from school lately telling me about our local history: “We are white people. The white people came in ships from far away, and the aborigines who were here before moved to where Ayer’s Rock which is in the middle of Australia”. His story is a veryContinue Reading

I don’t think I’m nearly this intellectual (or this depressed) via Pavlov’s Cat : You’re Prufrock and Other Observations! by T.S. Eliot Though you are very short and often overshadowed, your voice is poetic and lyrical. Dark and brooding, you see the world as a hopeless effort of people tryingContinue Reading

This weekend is the annual corporate triathlon in Sydney. I’m really sad not to be doing it this year. It’s a combination of moving jobs at around the time when the entries went in, and the doctor telling me not to exercise too early after my bout of bronchial pneumoniaContinue Reading

I’ve never been exactly sport obsessed, but the sports I follow and enjoy are generally Olympic sports, rather than the rugbies or cricket. (partly because I do enjoy watching women compete at elite level – tennis is the only sport that gets even close to equal time for women comparedContinue Reading

For at least ten years now, in Sydney, government primary schools have had a no-hat, no-play policy. There is a hat as part of the uniform, and if you don’t have it with you, you can’t play in the playground. It’s extraordinarily cute on masse – particularly the kindergarteners. IContinue Reading

I am incapable of remembering mobile phone numbers the way everyone else does. I think I’m too governed by the way Sydney phone numbers used to be. In Sydney phone numbers used to be seven digits, by universal agreement expressed as xxx xxxx. So when mobile phone numbers came along,Continue Reading

We have our main computer, with a permanent internet connection, in our main family room. It’s been that way since 1997. So when our computer crashed last week, we realised just how dependent on it we had become, even with three other computers in the house. We needed it toContinue Reading

Nicholas Gruen in Club Troppo has devoted his weekly column to the housework issue – why do women do more than men? I blogged about this when he first posted, and this new column is far more nuanced, and well written. One thing he does do is find some researchContinue Reading

My four year old has recently become obsessed with the Titanic. It’s got me wondering what it is about this story that has kept the world’s interest for so long. It was a dramatic shipwreck, but there have been others. Although at the time it was the largest loss ofContinue Reading